Daimler CVD6 ½ Cab Coach

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  Corgi Classics 37830; Daimler CVD6 ½ Cab Coach; Scout Motor Services of Preston; Blackpool-London Corgi Classics 97821; Daimler CVD6 ½ Cab Coach; Swan; Pennard Corgi Classics 97823; Daimler CVD6 Half Cab Coach; Blue Bus Services, Burton via Repton Corgi Classics 97825; Daimler CVD6 ½ Cab Coach; Burwell & District Motor Services, Cambridge  

Corgi Classics 37830; Daimler CVD6 ½ Cab Coach; Scout Motor Services of Preston; Blackpool-London

Corgi Classics 97821; Daimler CVD6 ½ Cab Coach; Swan; Pennard

Corgi Classics 97823; Daimler CVD6 Half Cab Coach; Blue Bus Services, Burton via Repton

Corgi Classics 97825; Daimler CVD6 ½ Cab Coach; Burwell & District Motor Services, Cambridge



