Ford Thames Airborne Caravan


This was such a fertile period for Corgi that there are a range of models which could be called a watershed or a turning point. New models and new features were coming along all the time. This one is a fully fitted camper van with a detailed interior, a foam seat cushion and opening doors - and they use the sexy new Ford Thames 400E chassis, not the dumpy old Bedford as might have been expected.

But Dinky had a go at the 400E too, the compressor truck below - and it's a fine model, well made & smart, but it is just not as appealing, GIRLS owned the Corgi! Corgi were on such a roll

The Thames Airborne Caravan was introduced in 1962 and was deleted in 1966. Colours were two-tone mauve, pale green over mid green, and pale green over metallic blue. All colours are sought after and are fairly highly priced. The one to have though is the blue/pale green with the red interior.

Corgi Toys 420; Ford Thames Airborne Caravan; Two-Tone Mauve Corgi Toys 420; Ford Thames Airborne Caravan; Olive & Pale Green Corgi Toys 420; Ford Thames Airborne Caravan; Blue Metallic & Pale Green, Red Seats
Corgi Toys 420; Ford Thames Airborne Caravan; Two-Tone Mauve

Corgi Toys 420; Ford Thames Airborne Caravan; Olive & Pale Green

Corgi Toys 420; Ford Thames Airborne Caravan; Blue Metallic & Pale Green, Red Seats


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Last Edit: 12/06/2024 Page Added 26/05/2022