Mercedes-Benz 220SE Coupe


This is a favourite of mine, well modelled and well made. The opening boot was still a novelty in 1962 and it had a spare wheel inside. Later, in 1964, it got a pair of suitcases in addition to the spare wheel, however the later version lost the steering. You can tell the early model as it has the same steering set up as the Bentley Continental.

The No.230 Mercedes 220SE was first added to the range in 1962 and was produced up to 1964 when it was replaced with No.253, a revised version of the same car with the steering removed and suitcases added in the boot. You will find No.230 in metallic maroon, cream, dark blue and if you are very lucky and are prepared to dig deep in your pocket - black. The black cars are valued at about double the other colours. The later release N.253 was available in metallic maroon or metallic blue

Corgi Toys 230; Mercedes-Benz 220SE Coupe; Metallic Maroon Corgi Toys 230; Mercedes-Benz 220SE Coupe; Black Corgi Toys 230; Mercedes-Benz 220SE Coupe; Cream Corgi Toys 253; Mercedes-Benz 220SE Coupe; Metallic Maroon
Corgi Toys 230; Mercedes-Benz 220SE Coupe; Metallic Maroon

Corgi Toys 230; Mercedes-Benz 220SE Coupe; Black

Corgi Toys 230; Mercedes-Benz 220SE Coupe; Cream Corgi Toys 253; Mercedes-Benz 220SE Coupe; Metallic Maroon
  Corgi Toys 230; Mercedes-Benz 220SE Coupe; Metallic Maroon Corgi Toys 253; Mercedes-Benz 220SE Coupe; Metallic Maroon  
  230 - With Steering 253 - No Steering  


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Last Edit: 12/06/2024 Page Added 26/05/2022