Corgi Toys GS23; Chipperfields Circus Set


You could say that this is the environmentally aware version of Gift Set 23. You could also say that all the animals are all missing, viz: Elephants, 1; Lions, 2; Polar bears, 2. There should also be two of the big trailer cages. I nearly got there though and there's the results of about a dozen eBay purchases on show here.

This is a large set that did not sell in volume although it remained on sale from 1962 to 1967, they are consequently scarce and expensive. There is a later release where the Booking Office is replaced with the Bedford Giraffe Truck. This release is valued a little less than the original one.

The models which made up the Chipperfields Circus Set - GS23 were:

  • 438 Land Rover

  • 101 Platform Trailer

  • 607 Elephant cage with elephant

  • 1121 International 6x6 Crane

  • 1123 Circus animal cage x 2

  • 426 Circus booking office

  • 2x Lions, 2x Polar bears

Some of these pieces are getting rare. Especially the plastic elephant cage and there were not that many of the booking offices sold either. I need a new hook for the crane, a loop for the elephant crate, all the animals and a second trailer cage and I'm there.

I think it's really fun the number of 'Code 3' models you see on eBay where someone has taken a Mini Van or some other model that was never done as Chipperfields and used the after-market spares you can buy to make up models that Corgi never thought of

.The set was put together using models from my collection in 2011, some of the individual photos are of better examples acquired subsequently and added when the museum got an update in May 2022

Corgi Toys GS23; Chipperfields Circus Set Corgi Toys GS23; Chipperfields Circus Set Corgi Toys GS23; Chipperfields Circus Set
Corgi Toys GS23; Chipperfields Circus Set Corgi Toys GS23; Chipperfields Circus Set Corgi Toys GS23; Chipperfields Circus Set
Corgi Toys 438; Land Rover Series 2 109in Truck Cab; Chipperfields Corgi Toys 101; Platform Trailer; Red Deck, Blue Chassis Corgi Toys 607; Chipperfield's Circus Elephant & Cage Kit
Corgi Toys 1121; International Chipperfields Crane Truck Corgi Toys 1123; Chipperfield's Circus Animal Cage Corgi Toys 426; Karrier Bantam Chipperfields Circus Booking Office; Spun Hubs


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Last Edit: 12/06/2024   Page Added 26/05/2022