Matchbox 15a; Diamond T Prime Mover; Orange, Six Metal Wheels
The Diamond T Prime Mover Tractor (15a) was released in 1955 and
remained in the range until 1959.
Wikipedia describes this US truck which was adopted by the British Army
as follows: "During World War 2, Diamond T produced a classic heavy
truck in the 980/981, a prime mover which was quickly snapped up by the
British Purchasing Commission for duty as a tank transporter tractor.
Coupled with a Rogers trailer, the Diamond T tank transporter gave
sterling service with the British Army in North Africa Campaign, where
its power and rugged construction allowed the rescue of damaged tanks in
the most demanding of conditions, often under enemy fire"
There are two rare versions of this one, firstly the six wheel version
in yellow which is the hardest to find and can be worth over £1,000, the
next most desirable is the orange one with grey plastic wheels which are
doubled on the rear axles, these then have ten wheels and can be worth
several hundred pounds. Most frequently found and worth a few tens of
pounds are the orange ones with metal wheels - like the one below. |