Matchbox 12e; Big Bull; Orange, Green Blade, Orange Rollers
Another weirdo here, just how many hot-rod crawler tractors do you see
out there? I guess Matchbox were just trying to upgrade their core
products and make them more contemporary. They always had a bulldozer in
the range, and as all the cars were being tarted up to compete with Hot
Wheels, so why not do a hot-rod bulldozer? However Matchbox being
Matchbox they retained the authentic caterpillar crawlers where Mattel would
have made them dummies with hidden wheels underneath so they could still
use the tracks.
Big Bull, 12e, was released into the community in 1975 and stayed there
until 1979. The slightly harder to find versions have yellow rollers and
the least common have black rollers, orange rollers are most common, but
none attract much of a premium. |