Matchbox/Lesney 51a; Albion Chieftain Cement Truck

Matchbox 1-75 Range

I remember buying one of these with my pocket money, 1s -6d I think it was, with Blue Circle decals too. It is a handsomely made model of this old Albion Chieftain with its load of cement bags. I added the Dinky Leyland Comet cement wagon to the website recently and it strikes me that the back bodies of the two trucks are of a very similar design, both being a yellow flatbed with a long rear overhang and side panels for the signwriting.

The Matchbox truck was added to the catalogue in 1958 and deleted in 1964. Early releases have metal wheels and the decals read only 'Portland Cement'. The decals were changed to 'Blue Circle Portland Cement' during the metal wheels period. the wheels then were replaced with grey plastic, silver plastic and finally black plastic knobbly wheels. The hardest to find and consequently highest prices are for silver wheels in a D box or in a C box. Black wheels are desirable too.

Matchbox/Lesney 51a; Albion Chieftain Cement Truck; Portland Cement, Metal Wheels

Matchbox/Lesney 51a; Albion Chieftain Cement Truck; Blue Circle Portland Cement, Large Silver Wheels Matchbox/Lesney 51a; Albion Chieftain Cement Truck; Blue Circle Portland Cement, Metal Wheels Matchbox/Lesney 51a; Albion Chieftain Cement Truck; Blue Circle Portland Cement; Grey Plastic Wheels

    Matchbox/Lesney 51a; Albion Chieftain Cement Truck; Portland Cement, Metal Wheels

Matchbox/Lesney 51a; Albion Chieftain Cement Truck; Blue Circle Portland Cement, Large Silver Wheels

Matchbox/Lesney 51a; Albion Chieftain Cement Truck; Blue Circle Portland Cement, Metal Wheels Matchbox/Lesney 51a; Albion Chieftain Cement Truck; Blue Circle Portland Cement; Grey Plastic Wheels

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Last Edit: 12/06/2024   Page Added 20/02/2021