Matchbox 23c; Bluebird Dauphine Caravan
Tow bars were very fragile.
Hooks broke off cars and tow rings came off trailers so easily. I don't
think any of the toy makers ever really came up with a sensible
solution. Like so many other of my toys my Bluebird Caravan lost its
towing ring, however as an enterprising kid I removed the base and
drilled it adding a home made tow bar using fuse wire - this must have
been around 1965 and I would have been about 10 years old. I still have
it somewhere.
The Bluebird Dauphine Caravan
was added to the range in 1960 and continued in production up to 1965.
The bodywork is metallic mauve or lime green, the base can be mauve or
crimson, wheels can be grey, black or silver, sometimes the door is
black and some late examples have windows. This wide variety of versions
leads inevitably to there being scarce and valuable examples.
The top value caravans are
mauve with crimson base, black door & grey wheels or mauve with silver
wheels & green windows. Lime with grey wheels and mauve with black
wheels are both also scarce and worth hundreds of pounds. |