Matchbox 46a; Morris Minor
I think I had a blue one of
these when I was a kid, but it is long gone now, here we have a Guy
Otter Luton van, and a nice rear roller shutter.
The Pickfords Removal Van (46b)
was released in 1960 and remained in the range until 1968. It was either
blue or green and on some of the blue ones the decal omitted the line
'Branches In All Large Towns'. Wheels can be grey or silver plastic or
black on the green version.
The ones to look out for are
the dark blue with the two line decal and silver wheels, in fact all the
blue ones except for the grey wheel version with the three line decals
are sought after. With the green one look for grey rather than silver
wheels. The green version with black wheels is the most commonly seen. |