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British Comics

TV, Movie, Comic & Character

I was always jealous of the kids who got the funny comics, The Beezer or The Beano or The Dandy etc. My parents bought me more worthy boy's papers like The Eagle (which I loved) and Look and Learn (which I always found a bit worthy and boring). However I always looked forward to getting a haircut because the barbers shop had the funnys to read while you were waiting.

When they were feeling their way a bit at the start of Corgi Classics in the late 80s, early 90s Corgi released a number of their core models, usually in sets, which featured characters from the comics, even The Eagle.

Corgi Classics 98754; Bedford CA Van; Adventure Comic Beano 2 Pce Set, Biffo & Beryl Corgi Classics 96865; Ford Popular Van; The Beezer, Colonel Blink Days Gone Lledo DG071011; 1959 Morris LD Van; Dandy & Beano; Korky the Kat The Eagle Comic 2 Van Set
Adventure The Beano The Beezer The Dandy The Eagle

Corgi Classics 98755; Ford Popular Van; Comic Classics, The Hotspur Days Gone Lledo BU1002; Bunty Comic 2 Van Set Corgi Classics 96961; Volkswagen Transporter Van; The Lion, Captain Condor: Comic Classics Corgi Classics 98757; Volkswagen Transporter Van; Comic Classics, The Skipper Corgi 96887; Morris J Van; The Topper, Mickey the Monkey; Comic Classics
Hotspur Bunty Lion The Skipper The Topper

Corgi 98758; Morris J Van; The Wizard; The Wolf of Kabul Corgi 96846; Morris Minor Van; The Tiger, Roy of the Rovers Corgi 98756; Morris Minor Van; The Rover, Alf Tupper The Tough of the Track    
The Wizard The Tiger, Roy of the Rovers Rover, Alf Tupper The Tough of the Track    

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Last Edit: 21/06/2024   Page Added 24/09/2022