Dinky Toys 30f; Ambulance

Dinky Emergency Vehicles

It looks a bit like a Le Mans Bentley at the front, not the first car you would think of for an ambulance conversion, quick though. Dinky made this one from 1935 to 1948. It comes in grey or cream with the rear windows either cast in or open. There are a number of variations of chassis casting and radiator shape. I've had a number of them through the business, all of which were cream with cast in windows. This leads me to suppose that to be the most common version.

My own collection of model cars consists of fewer than 30 pieces. It has one of these, one of my favourites.

This Dinky was sourced from a private collection in July 2020

Dinky Toys 30f; Ambulance Dinky Toys 30f; Ambulance Dinky Toys 30f; Ambulance
Dinky Toys 30f; Ambulance Dinky Toys 30f; Ambulance Dinky Toys 30f; Ambulance

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Last Edit: 14/02/2021 Page Added 25/10//2020